“Learn what family life is, its communion of love, its austere and simple beauty, and its sacred and inviolable character.” ~ Pope Paul VI. In 1921, Pope Benedict XV instituted the Sunday after Christmas as the feast of the Holy Family. We celebrate Christ’s Nativity...
Passing Encounters
“Passing encounters are only a caricature of love; they injure hearts and mock God’s plan” Pope St. John Paul II. The other day, a friend and I were reminiscing about our engagements before marriage. I dated my husband for nearly three years and then was engaged for...
Wash Your Spouses Feet
So when He had washed their feet, He said to them: “Do you know what I have done for you? You call me Lord and Teacher; and you are right, for so I am. If I then, the Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you ought to wash one another’s feet.” John 13:12-14. If...
Give Your Spouse Grace
You know who you married, so give your spouse grace in conflict. Does your spouse need grace? The other day, I saw the first public post on social media I have ever wanted to respond to. I didn’t (responding to people publicly online is a bad idea) but I’ve been...
Be Fruitful and Multiply
“Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth” Genesis 1:28. After God banishes Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden, He...
After 20 years, couples thankful for marriage prep program
Article by Theresa Civantos Barber - Aleteia Photo by Anatoliy Cherkas Online Catholic Marriage Prep program celebrates its 20th anniversary with a look back at its successes over the years. Catholics take marriage seriously, as you can see in the extensive...
Are You Learning the Wrong Lesson
What Lesson are we Learning today: Marriage is like learning algebra; divorce is like learning geometry. Have you ever wandered into the wrong class in college? It would probably be pretty confusing, walking into a room expecting to see literature and finding weather...
Three-Foot Forks
In Heaven and Hell, meals are banquets where the only way to eat is with three-foot forks. Imagine a three-foot fork? There’s a story about Heaven and Hell my mom told me a long time ago. In each place, meals are served as banquets. But the only way to eat is with...
Personalized Support in Catholic Marriage Prep: How Mentor Couples Make a Difference
The journey to a strong, faith-filled Catholic marriage begins with proper preparation. Many engaged couples often only receive brief marriage prep covering a few discussion topics packed into a day or weekend. This leaves them unprepared and with more questions about...
Agape Catholic Ministries: Building Christ-Centered Marriages
Marriage can be overwhelming, but it can be Christ-centered with a little prep work! Divorce rates as well as out of wedlock pregnancies are at an all-time high. The world seems to be crumbling around us in misery and distress. Yet, the sun keeps rising and people...