Agape Catholic Ministries: Building Christ-centered families, one family at a time. Christ himself said, “Without me you can do nothing.” John 15:5. This is especially true for marriage. Marriage was instituted as a sacrament by Christ at the wedding feast of Cana....
True Love at First Sight
As a child, one of my favorite movies was Sleeping Beauty. A sweet, simple, beautiful girl who could talk to animals, was beloved by a man the first time he saw her, and got to be rescued and live happily ever after was exactly who 5-year-old Michelle wanted to be. As...
Pregnancy is Never an Accident
Joshua and I have learned from our parents that people love to ask, “Do you know what causes that?” when they learn that you have, in their opinion, “too many babies.” U.S. families are small: the average number of children per household is two. Most people just...
Silent Confession
The other day, I went to confession for the first time in four months. It’s been difficult to go to confession since my son has been born. Really, it’s just hard to do anything when I can’t predict how long it will take. Something about waiting in line in the church...
Among the Pots and Pans
"God moves among the pots and pans." -St. Teresa of Avila We recently had some friends over for dinner: two female graduate students, a working 26-year-old man, and a newlywed couple weeks away from having their first child. And of course, me and Joshua with our...
To My Sisters In Christ
Dear Sisters, I understand why you’re scared. Know that it doesn’t make you any less of a woman, of a Catholic, and absolutely, not less of a wife. Being a mother is difficult. Giving up so much of your time, your body, and your life is frightening. Waking up every...
Our Daily Bread
When I had free time, I didn't know how to use it. What was I going to do with all of my free time? My mind wandered over the possibilities: projects I’d neglected, plans that needed some “quiet thinking time,” and conversations that were probably overdue. Earlier...
How to Let Go in Prayer
"Let go, let God" This is a phrase I’m sure you’ve seen around, maybe written on a sticky note in your friend’s planner, maybe posted to a classroom wall in a Catholic school, or maybe as a piece of kitschy wall art for sale at the Hallmark store. To me, it has...
Concert With Tears
A reflection on living as a Catholic in a secular world. Friday, June 24th, 2022. Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. A momentous day for abortion laws in the United States, and a balmy summer night in Fort Collins, Colorado. The thunderheads that...
A Baptized Believer
Gratitude for my infant baptism took some time. For years, I regretted not remembering my own baptism. If this is the most important moment in most people’s spiritual journey, why was I baptized before I was even aware of what was happening? For context on my own...