The Holy Family: Austere and Simple Beauty

by | Dec 29, 2024 | Church, Family Life, Liturgy, Marriage, Marriage Prep, Parenting, Society, Spirituality, Teachings

“Learn what family life is, its communion of love, its austere and simple beauty, and its sacred and inviolable character.” ~ Pope Paul VI.

In 1921, Pope Benedict XV instituted the Sunday after Christmas as the feast of the Holy Family. We celebrate Christ’s Nativity on December 25, then, days later, we take the opportunity to honor His earthly family. We know Mary, His Mother, was not only immaculate but also flawless. Unfortunately, not much is known of Joseph on earth. Yet, in Heaven he is honored as the Light of Patriarchs and the Pillar of Demons.

The Holy Family is the image of a God-centered family. They lived a quiet and beautiful life, raising Jesus and loving Him. As we celebrate the Christmas season, we can undoubtedly look to this family to strive towards austere and simple beauty.

Mother Most Holy:

Obviously, Mary was not the most “traditional” wife. Particularly, she and Joseph did not engage in the marital embrace or bear children together. Mary was conceived without sin while Joseph was a normal man, a simple carpenter. Yet, she honored him as a wife should and was subordinate to her husband. First, she recognized Joseph as her spouse and furthermore respected him as the head of her household. Next, there was no pride in their marriage that threatened his position as the father in their family. Finally, she did not try to control Jesus, even as He approached His own death. Mary respected His vocation and allowed Him to do God’s work, no matter the sword that pierced her heart.

Light of Patriarchs:

Joseph was an ordinary man called to extraordinary holiness in his family. It is intimidating enough to try to be a good spouse and parent. Now imagine if your spouse and child are literally, divinely perfect! Obviously, Joseph didn’t have the easiest job. However, he responded to the call for greatness. He protected his wife and son from Herod and every danger from Bethlehem to Egypt to Nazareth. Joseph provided for his wife and passed his knowledge onto his son. This is all we truly know about him: he honored Mary, and he raised Jesus. That’s all we need to know. It is all a father needs to know about leading his family.

Son of God:

Every one of us is made in the image and likeness of God. Each of us is called to some vocation that we must fulfill. Christ was obedient to His earthly parents, and they gave Him to His Heavenly Father. Every child should learn to hear the voice of God, and every parent should learn to follow it.

Austere and Simple Beauty:

Our families do not have to be extraordinary, but they must be holy. Simple lives lived in beauty for the Lord are holy. Taking our children to Mass is holy. Raising them, feeding them, loving them, disciplining them, is holy. That is what we are called to do: love our spouse and love our children. When we do that, God takes care of the rest.

Holy Family, you were close to our Heavenly Father on Earth, uniting your wills to His, and are now close to Him in Heaven. 
I ask that you intercede with Him on my behalf.

(Mention your intentions here)

Holy Family, you traveled to Bethlehem without knowing where Mary would give birth. 
You relied on God to provide, and what He provided for His Son was a manger in the midst of animals. 
Help my family to rely on God for our needs and trust in His ways, even when they are not what we expect.

Holy Family, you who once walked this Earth, accompany my family as we strive to follow your example by walking in your footsteps.


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Tara Brooke

Tara Brooke is a wife, mother, educator, and child of God.  Tara has worked in various aspects of ministry in the Catholic Church for over 20 years, her last years as a Director of Marriage and Family Life for her local diocese.  She now stays home and tends to the needs of her growing and beautiful family.  She has three biological children and two adopted children, both with Down Syndrome. She loves helping engaged couples grow in their understanding of the Sacrament of Marriage as well as helping enrich already married couples in growing in holiness together.  She resides in Bismarck, ND with her amazing husband, Deacon Dan! 

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