Agape Catholic Ministries: Building Christ-centered families, one family at a time. Christ himself said, “Without me you can do nothing.” John 15:5. This is especially true for marriage. Marriage was instituted as a sacrament by Christ at the wedding feast of Cana....
Why You Should Respect Fanny Price
Jane Austen’s character Fanny Price models the phrase “nothing is so strong as gentleness, nothing so gentle as real strength.” I remember a time in college when I called my dad for advice about managing anxiety. I felt overwhelmed by the social pressure of school and...
Rings of Power, Eyes of God
[Disclaimer: Contains mild spoilers for the last book of Lord of the Rings] This is my public confession: I am a cradle Catholic who did not see or read Lord of the Rings until I was 21 years old. Yes, yes, I’ve heard it all from my friends. How could I not have grown...
Mirror, Mirror
On any given night, you will find me leaning into the bathroom mirror, concerned about my face. It always starts the same way: stepping out of the shower, wiping the condensation from the mirror, leaning forward to apply moisturizer, and the realization. My face is...
Seven Ways to Fall in Love
We all want to love God. But do we understand how to do so effectively? To love the Lord, we can’t just admire Him from afar. We must seek a relationship with Him—this is what He made us for. Here are seven strategies that have helped me fall in love with the Lord....