Marriage can be overwhelming, but it can be Christ-centered with a little prep work! Divorce rates as well as out of wedlock pregnancies are at an all-time high. The world seems to be crumbling around us in misery and distress. Yet, the sun keeps rising and people...
Agape Catholic Ministries: 25 Years
Agape Catholic Ministries: Building Christ-centered families, one family at a time. Christ himself said, “Without me you can do nothing.” John 15:5. This is especially true for marriage. Marriage was instituted as a sacrament by Christ at the wedding feast of Cana.... July 2023 Couple Experiences
JULY, 2023 Couples Share their Experience about Top 3 Expectations Gabriel and Eimi – Diocese of Sacramento, CA His impression of the prep: I really enjoyed that we were able to talk about this in private. This allowed for more in-depth...
Serving Engaged Military Couples One-on-One
Serving Engaged Military Couples One-on-One In our mission statement at we say: “Agape Catholic Marriage Preparation invites couples to a deeper relationship with each other and with Christ, one couple at a time. Online, on-demand instruction...
Homeschooling Blues
We are brand new to homeschooling! I have a theology degree, not an education degree. We are about four weeks into the year and most days I feel I am sinking further and further into the depths of the ocean without any life jacket or preserver. I am so over my head...
Love Languages Lived Out
I love the Sacrament of Marriage. I love working with engaged couples. I love FAMILY LIFE! Because of this, I am always looking for ways to stay hopeful in a world where the sacrament of marriage is often looked down upon and where relationships, be it with...
Blessed or Blessing?
"He will be so blessed to be part of your family!" "You guys will bless his life so much!" These are the most common phrases we heard when we began our first adoption process. When we got married, we discussed our family plans. We knew we desired children, but we...
Quarantine Life or Graced Life???
Quarantine? Are you serious? What does that even mean? According to our handy dictionary, it means, a state, period, or place of isolation in which people or animals arrived from elsewhere or been exposed to infectious or contagious disease are placed. I haven’t...
He might not give you a million dollars, but God will provide
In a discussion about NFP, a couple in our marriage prep course told us this: “There’s also the fear of having a child before being ready. And no, God is not going to give me millions of dollars because it will help me prepare for the child. So don’t tell me that god...
This Marriage Prep is different, and here’s why
In speaking to a group of priests on February 25th, Pope Francis urged that during marriage prep, couples must be helped to understand “the profound meaning of the step that they are about to take. . . They say yes, but do they understand this? Do they have faith in...