Society loves to tell us how to parent our children. But its definition of "love" couldn't be further from what scripture teaches us. What is love? One Saturday morning when I put on Nickelodeon for my kids, I saw a commercial that could be summed up as “Choose to...
Patrick Hernandez
The Secular Distortion of Humanae Vitae and Formation of Conscience
Earlier today I came across a 3 year old article from NRP titled “50 Years Ago, The Pope Called Birth Control ‘Intrinsically Wrong’” published on July 3, 2018 by Tom Gjelten. The reason I wanted to focus on this for a bit is because I feel that this article really...
The Pro-Choice Positions Make No Sense
For the last couple of decades, I have noticed a shift in the paradigm of the pro-choice argument. What the left would characterize as progress in rationale and intellect, the right would more accurately characterize as simply throwing the argument of the decade...
The Pro-Choice Fallacy
Very recently on social media, I was debating someone about abortion and while it was a very respectful debate, one thing came to mind as this was happening. What came to mind is that the entire pro-choice argument has changed over time, while being careful not to use...
Mom on the workforce
Recently, I’ve come across a surge of debates that address the issue of a Catholic mother staying at home vs. working outside of the home, taking on the form of either digital article or social media. The abridged version of proponents of each side tends to go as...
Planned Parenthood Exposed
My wife and I have never been big fans of deep or controversial movies. The reason being that if we want to go to a movie, we want to go for the experience of escaping into an adventure or travelling to a distant alien planet or rooting for the underdog who travels...