Spiritual Health – Hit the Pause Button (HPB)
What is HPB?
It’s the time when you put the frenzy of the world on pause to be by yourself with God.
Call it conversation with God, prayer times, spiritual breaks, recollection and more… It is all for spiritual health.
“Because God has made us for Himself, and our hearts are restless until they rest in Him.” St. Augustine
Start the day with this conversation with God, before you step out of bed, short hello, conventional prayer you know by heart, personal prayer, entrusting your day and your life to God.
Of course at meal times, ask the Lord to bless the meal you are going to have by yourself or going to share with co-workers, friends and family.
There are many more times you can HPB; when you are sleepless, in the car, walking, having a break from work, or needing a break, on vacation, at work, when you are with the family, with your friends, with strangers.
Of course, at Church; before, during and after Mass and other times of liturgy, at Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, when you go to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Sunday is the best opportunity: pray during this day consecrated to the Lord.
You honor the Lord’s Day by going to Mass, praying and also by not working… at all!
St Louis Martin, father of St Therese of the Child Jesus, not only refused to work on Sundays, even when his spiritual director pressed him to open his shop on Sunday mornings, when potential clients were coming to town for Mass.
Beyond not working, he also refused to buy anything on Sundays, not even fresh bread.
As to not encourage other people to work on Sundays.
End the day by journaling, counting your blessings or consolations, your struggles/difficulties or desolation, writing what you heard the Lord tell you during the day, and end writing your Thanksgivings.
Does that mean we have to pray all the time?
Why not? Saint Paul tells us: “Pray without ceasing. In all circumstances give thanks.” 1 Thessalonians 5:17,
Why? … “for this is the will of God for you in Jesus Christ.” 1 Thessalonians 5:18,
If it’s the will of God for us, it means that it is what is best for us. Why not trust and just do it?
The world tries to brainwash us, to remove our peace, and our freedom.
HPB protects us from all this, and puts everything back into perspective.
It allows us to remain in God’s heart, God who is the master of life and history, the creator of the world, and our creator.
Hit the Pause Button (HPB) from all the frenzy of the world.