Lord, Take My Day

by | Sep 5, 2023 | Family Life, Parenting, Prayer, Spirituality

Sometimes All We can Offer God is Our Day:

My husband and I say a consecration prayer when we drive to Sunday Mass. Though we would prefer to say it every day, we often don’t make the time except when we’re in the car together. It goes like this:

“Take my life and let it be consecrated, Lord, to Thee. Take my moments and my days, let them flow in ceaseless praise. Take my voice and let me sing, always, only for my King. Take my lips and let them be filled, with messages from Thee.”

I am so glad we say this prayer before Sunday Mass. Taking a little kid to Mass is hard! Babies cry when they need to. Toddlers play when they want to. Our son is at a high energy age, but is still too young to understand discipline, thus going to Mass is getting harder.

Last Sunday was particularly difficult. Peter wanted to jump all over the pew and play on the floor. He wanted to walk down the aisle of the church and smile at everyone. There’s nothing wrong with him being playful, especially since he does not understand “sitting still.” But it makes Mass difficult on me and Joshua.

I spent the majority of Mass out of the pew, letting him play in the back of the church. Sometimes focusing on anything seems impossible. I often need to re-read the readings afterwards. The homily goes in one ear and out the other. I mumble along with the prayers, if I participate at all. But, at this stage of pregnancy, sitting in the pew is extremely uncomfortable. Walking around in the back seems easier on my body anyway.

When You Can’t Give God your Focus, Give God your Everything:

Sundays like these, I have a special prayer I say whenever I get the chance during Mass. I admit to God that I cannot fully participate in Mass. With some regret, I apologize for not being fully present with Him. So instead of my focus, I offer God my day. I offer Him my vocation as a mother, giving Him my best efforts for the child He entrusted me to care for.

“The Sabbath was made for man, not man made for the Sabbath.” As Jesus reminds the Pharisees, we are not commanded to neglect our duties to keep the Sabbath holy. God does not want us to be at Mass at the cost of our children’s well-being. Our everyday life can be a holy honoring of the Lord just by living our vocation. We can give God our days.

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Michelle C. Martin

Michelle graduated from Texas Tech University with her husband, Joshua, in May 2021 and married him in June on the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. She has a degree in Communication Studies and has loved growing in knowledge of healthy and authentic relationships during her time in college and adulthood. Michelle and Joshua currently reside in Lubbock, TX where he works as an architect and she loves life as a stay-at-home wife and mother to their children, Peter and Cecilia.

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