Marriage can be overwhelming, but it can be Christ-centered with a little prep work!
Divorce rates as well as out of wedlock pregnancies are at an all-time high. The world seems to be crumbling around us in misery and distress. Yet, the sun keeps rising and people keep getting married! Wouldn’t it be great if there was a resource to help marriages get off on the strongest foot?
Welcome to Catholic Marriage Prep!
For twenty years, Agape Catholic Ministries (ACM) has been helping build Christ-centered marriages one couple at a time. Beginning in 2004, ACM was the first Catholic Marriage Prep program of its kind. Progressing from in-person to wide-spread and available online platform, ACM has inspired many more companies to begin similar programs.
With a 20 hour course often completed in 4-6 weeks, ACM not only offers affordable preparation, but also, time-convenient online courses to help marriages thrive. First, you and your fiancé sign up, then you’ll be matched with a mentor couple that helps you navigate the difficult pre-wedding topics:
- Knowing You Better
- God’s Plan For Humanity
- The Sacrament of Matrimony
- Formation of Conscience
- Saying No To Contraception
- The Rite of Matrimony
- Forgiveness/Your Body Is a Temple
- Relationship Tools
- Optional: Natural Family Planning Course
How do these topics help strengthen marriages?
If this sounds simple, that’s because it is! Marriage is only impossible when it’s not centered on Christ. Even the simple first assignment of filling out a “Knowing You Better” form is beneficial. The way a couple describes their relationship, their engagement, and their hopes for the future speaks volumes about their values. Learning about Theology of the Body and God’s design for man and woman will build a strong foundation for your marriage. When we understand what we’re made for, marriage goes from impossible to natural.
Even when you’re both Catholic, it’s a little overwhelming looking at all the requirements to be married in the Church. ACM’s program devotes two segments that help couples not only understand what marriage is as sacrament, but also what will happen in your ceremony. Breaking it down is always the best way to understand something with many moving parts!
Units 4 and 7 discuss how to properly form ourselves before we enter marriage. Solidifying our own conscience and understanding our spouses will lead to many open doors of conversation when conflicts arise. Forgiveness is a tool that will be used often in marriage. Indeed, a life spent giving to another is not an easy task. Thus, it is worth it to prepare as best we can during engagement!
In addition, saying no to Contraception and Relationship Tools will help you deal with the nitty-gritty of married life. From planning children to handling finances, there are too many pitfalls in married life to go in unprepared. ACM’s program will help couples start conversation they will have over and over again for years. Working with a mentor couple is an invaluable experience to hear from someone else. They’ve gone through the struggles and come out the other side better for it.
Say no to stress and yes to Christ!
Don’t fear marriage. Agape Catholic Ministries is here to lighten the load. With a little bit of help, some preparation, and lots of prayer, marriage is Christ-centered and absolutely possible.