Article by Theresa Civantos Barber - Aleteia Photo by Anatoliy Cherkas Online Catholic Marriage Prep program celebrates its 20th anniversary with a look back at its successes over the years. Catholics take marriage seriously, as you can see in the extensive...
Agape Catholic Ministries
Personalized Support in Catholic Marriage Prep: How Mentor Couples Make a Difference
The journey to a strong, faith-filled Catholic marriage begins with proper preparation. Many engaged couples often only receive brief marriage prep covering a few discussion topics packed into a day or weekend. This leaves them unprepared and with more questions about...
The Essential Guide to Pre-Cana: Everything You Need to Know
When it comes to planning and preparing for your wedding day, the sacrament of marriage (and a lifetime together) the list of tasks, to-dos, and choices to make, can often leave you feeling overwhelmed. We’re not just talking about napkin colors or veil length or...
Christian and Christine Meert | Agape Catholic Ministries’ Online, Mentor-Led, On-Demand Pre-Cana Course Helps Couples Internalize Church Teaching, Build Strong Spiritual Foundation for Marriage
Written By Amy Morgan - Marriage Initiative Perhaps you’re a Catholic couple who wants to marry. Your Pastor recommends engaged couples to Agape and gives you a link, but you are unable to find a parish nearby that offers the necessary marriage prep class. Or maybe...
Online Catholic Marriage Prep builds Christ-centered marriages
Article by Zelda Caldwell - published on 02/28/22 - Aleteia Photo Coutesy of Agape Catholic Ministries Engaged couples take part in an online one-on-one program with mentor couples For many recently engaged couples, as soon as the happy news is shared with family and...
Part 6: Hitting Rock-Bottom
For 35 years, I was absolutely unable to go back to our beginnings. I just couldn’t! I had blocked all memories because something terrible had happened that I simply didn’t want to remember. Christian was distressed about this because we just couldn’t talk about the...
Christian and Christine
Healing in the Sacrament, Christian and Christine's story. How the grace of the Sacrament healed their brokenness. Christine & Christian Part 1 Part 2: background Part 3: Behind every Abortion there is a Dad Part 4: Childhood Unfinished Business Part 5:...
Part 2: Healing in the Sacrament
Before we go further, it is important to give a bit of our backgrounds. Christian I was born and raised as a French citizen in a Muslim country, Morocco. The end of the colonial era was surreal in the sixties and seventies. With my two brothers, as teenagers males, we...