Happy Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary!

by | May 31, 2022 | Family Life, Prayer, Spirituality, Teachings

Happy Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary!

The Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary commemorates the Blessed Mother’s visit to her cousin Elizabeth and the encounter of Jesus and St. John the Baptist while in the wombs of their mothers. Join thousands of Catholics nationwide in the annual Respect Life novena. This Respect Life novena is in honor of this feast. Happy feast of the visitation of the blessed Virgin Mary!

“Let Mary’s soul be in each of you to proclaim the greatness of the Lord.
Let her spirit be in each to rejoice in the Lord.”
– St. Ambrose of Milan

Pray the Novena starting on January 21st – January is the month the Church prays in a special way for the protection of human life, especially for unborn children, in the novena for life.

– Father and maker of all, you adorn all creation with splendor and beauty, and fashion human lives in your image and likeness.

– Awaken in every heart reverence for the work of your hands, and renew among your people a readiness to nurture and sustain your precious gift of life.

– Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God forever and ever. Amen

End with Concluding Prayers

Once you have said the novena prayer, please say one Our Father, three Hail Mary’s and one Glory Be.

Repeat this prayer for nine consecutive days up until the January 30 feast day.

For more information on our course offerings, please visit Agapè Catholic Ministries

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Christian Meert

I was born and raised in Morocco in a Catholic family. One of my uncles was a Franciscan priest and his sister a Franciscan Missionary of Mary, both in Morocco. I am the youngest of three boys. My eldest brother passed in 2011 and my other brother lives in Montpellier, France, with his family. I received my Masters in International Business in Montpellier, France, in 1976, and worked as the Regional Director of an American ag company for 15 years. I traveled all over the world: mainly Europe, Africa and Middle East. I am happily married to Christine since 1977 and we have five daughters and fourteen grandchildren so far. In 1990, our family joined the Catholic Community of the Beatitudes, in France, of which we were a part of for fifteen years. We started the House of the Community in Denver at the call of Archbishop Chaput in 1999. In 2004 Christine and I founded CatholicMarriagePrep.com, and then left the Community to dedicate ourselves to our ministry. We have been the Directors of the Office of Marriage and Family Life for the Diocese of Colorado Springs since 2005. In 2010, we became American citizens. I love fly-fishing, hiking and gardening!

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