by Michelle C. Martin | Jun 15, 2023 | Family Life, Marriage, Parenting, Prayer, Spirituality
Are Joy and Happiness Synonymous? I used to think joy and happiness were synonymous. I often use the word joy to express an elevated state of happiness or pleasure. I talk about how doing something I love brought me joy. For example, Christmas is a joyful season. As...
by Tara Brooke | Jul 29, 2020 | Health, Instructors, Marriage, Marriage Prep, Society, Teachings
I love the Sacrament of Marriage. I love working with engaged couples. I love FAMILY LIFE! Because of this, I am always looking for ways to stay hopeful in a world where the sacrament of marriage is often looked down upon and where relationships, be it with...
by Catholic Marriage Prep | Sep 7, 2016 | Family Life, Marriage
Sometimes we get confused on what love is. We think it’s this strong emotion where you can’t imagine life without your spouse. Or we think that it’s a constant adventure where adrenaline and oxytocin are constantly pumping through our veins. I have thought those...
by Catholic Marriage Prep | Jun 30, 2016 | Family Life, Parenting, Society, Spirituality
The world now knows that my husband and I are expecting our 4th little blessing in December! From the moment we told our children we were having another baby, our oldest announced, “I’m going to name the baby “Baby Sweetheart.” And he faithfully prays for Baby...