by Dan Brooke | Jan 5, 2021 | Family Life, Prayer, Spirituality
Several years ago, we hosted dinner for some of our friends. One of them brought along The Catholic Card Game (yes, that’s really a thing, Google it) for some laughs after our meal. The instructions told us the first player was whoever had gone to the Sacrament of...
by Catie Oleszko | Aug 5, 2020 | Church, Liturgy, Prayer, Spirituality, Teachings
Last week’s blog was about the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Specifically, how it changes us, sets us free and thus changes the world and influences our neighbors and families. Making the journey to the confessional, to seek Jesus in this beautiful and intimate...
by Catie Oleszko | Jul 28, 2020 | Church, Marriage, Prayer, Spirituality, Teachings
Growing up, I believed that going to confession was one of the scariest things that I could do. I was incredibly nervous because confession is uncomfortable. We have to dig deep, reflect, sit in silence and be sincerely sorry for the things we have done that hurt...
by Edmund Adamus | Feb 27, 2016 | Church, Family Life
Just recently a priest I know told me how he has been planning to completely refurbish the confessional inside his parish church. It struck me as a very edifying and indeed timely thing to do especially in this Jubilee Year of Mercy, when there is such a huge...