by Michelle C. Martin | May 16, 2023 | Society, Spirituality
Have you ever wondered why there are thousands of types of flowers and birds? Or why tree leaves change through the seasons? Or why food tastes so good? It’s because beauty surrounds us, that God made to fill the world. He didn’t have to make the world an...
by Cloe Ellwood | Nov 9, 2017 | Family Life, Health, Prayer, Society, Spirituality
Human beings have always been fascinated by nature. Since we first started painting on cave walls, we’ve seen the beauty and wonder of the world around us, and we’ve wanted to understand it, tame it, take it in. We are curious creatures. After all, you don’t see a...
by Catholic Marriage Prep | Jul 31, 2017 | Family Life, Health, Marriage, Parenting, Spirituality, Teachings
Lately, the readings of the liturgical cycle have been focusing on the parable of the sower. And since last week was Natural Family Planning (NFP) Awareness week, I wanted to follow up with some reflections on sowing the seed of NFP. In it’s essence, NFP is fertility...
by Michael Peters | Oct 4, 2013 | Family Life
It can get pretty stormy up here in the Pacific Northwest. This Saturday offered a glimpse of the power of nature. We had gusting winds up to 50MPH and we surpassed the rainfall record for a September day: almost 2″ and up to 3″ in some of the outlining...