by Michelle C. Martin | Aug 22, 2024 | Christian and Christine, Family Life, Instructors, Marriage, Marriage Prep, Parenting, Prayer, Questions, Society, Teachings
Marriage can be overwhelming, but it can be Christ-centered with a little prep work! Divorce rates as well as out of wedlock pregnancies are at an all-time high. The world seems to be crumbling around us in misery and distress. Yet, the sun keeps rising and people...
by Catholic Marriage Prep | May 25, 2017 | Marriage, Society, Spirituality
Quite possibly my favorite line in our marriage prep program is when we describe the fall of Adam and Eve and how sin damaged the partnership that God wanted from them. Well, not exactly the part where they sin, but what comes next: We are not stuck in sin! Jesus...
by Edmund Adamus | Aug 5, 2016 | Church, Questions, Society
This was an ingenious phrase that a good friend reminded me of in recent days. I first came across it when I read the extremely helpful booklet: Preferential Option for the Family which you can download for free here It’s a gem of a book which has been described thus:...