by Dan Brooke | Mar 30, 2021 | Family Life, Spirituality
Every year the Church asks 1.2 billion faithful Catholics to pray, fast, and give alms more for 40 days (plus a few for the Triduum and such) to prepare for 50 days of celebrating Jesus’ resurrection. If you asked those 1.2 billion people which is longer, Lent or...
by Dan Brooke | Mar 16, 2021 | Family Life, Liturgy
Seriously, if you have a family and/or are employed, you need St. Joseph! Two months ago, I would likely have taken one look at an article with this title and kept on scrolling. It’s not that I was anti-St. Joseph or anything. It’s just that I’ve never experienced...
by Tara Brooke | Mar 15, 2021 | Church
We have entered the “joyful” week of lent! The fourth Sunday, which in our house is affectionately called, “PINK Sunday!” Of course, we know that it is Laetare Sunday, but I have a lot of priest friends and I am married to a deacon, and they loudly proclaim that...