How to be Healed

How to be Healed

“Do you want to be healed?” If you’ve seen the show “The Chosen,” you may remember a scene from the second season where Jesus heals a paralyzed man at the Pool of Bathsheba. In Jesus’ day, a legend surrounded the place: the first person to touch the fountain when it...
Focus on Me, Not the Storm

Focus on Me, Not the Storm

A long time ago, I saw an image that left a huge impact on me. Jesus standing on the rough waves amidst the storm, the apostles’ boat in the background, reaching down to catch a half-sunken Simon Peter by the hand. It was captioned: “Focus on me, not the storm.” It’s...
Agape vs. Philia Love

Agape vs. Philia Love

“Simon, do you love me?” This is one of my favorite scenes in the Gospel. John 21:1-19 records the full story of Jesus appearing to the apostles on the Sea of Tiberias after His resurrection. As we talked about earlier this week, John is the first to realize that...