Beauty for Beauty’s Sake

Beauty for Beauty’s Sake

Have you ever wondered why there are thousands of types of flowers and birds? Or why tree leaves change through the seasons? Or why food tastes so good? It’s because beauty surrounds us, that God made to fill the world. He didn’t have to make the world an...
Marian Consecration

Marian Consecration

I first heard about Marian Consecration as a freshman in college. A student organization I was part of did a yearly (optional) Marian Consecration together during Lent. Not really knowing what I was getting into, I asked to join the group embarking on the...
About Chastity

About Chastity

Don’t Ask the Wrong Questions As a young Catholic woman who dated all through college, I have dealt with enough temptations against chastity to last me a lifetime. Now, though, in my state of marital bliss, far fewer sinful temptations plague me in general....