by Michelle C. Martin | Jun 17, 2024 | Marriage, Marriage Prep, Prayer, Society, Spirituality
Marrying someone while thinking they’ll change doesn’t work—there’s no altar switch. There is no such thing as an “altar switch!” Ah, summer. No doubt all of us have a wedding on our calendar this season. Maybe your own, for some of you! Usually we go to...
by Michelle C. Martin | Sep 21, 2023 | Family Life, Marriage, Parenting, Prayer, Society
“Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.” I became very fond of the Serenity prayer in college. For the first time in my life, I was truly responsible for my life. I had...
by Michelle C. Martin | Aug 22, 2023 | Family Life, Parenting, Society
Not many of us enjoy change, but we’re all called to “get used to different.” “Get used to different!” If you’ve seen, or even heard of, The Chosen, that phrase is probably familiar. For centuries, the Jews operated under a strict set of laws. They waited...
by Michelle C. Martin | Aug 3, 2023 | Family Life, Marriage, Marriage Prep, Spirituality
“We thought it would get better when we got married.” I will never forget the enlightening day in class when my professor told us these famous words she hears in her counseling sessions. She devoted that day to taking a break from the textbooks and instead sharing...
by Michelle C. Martin | Apr 4, 2023 | Marriage, Questions, Society, Teachings
A few nights ago, Joshua and I realized something about our relationship. We are no longer infatuated with each other. I’ve seen too many divorce stories in the news recently. Thankfully, I didn’t see divorce much as a child. Though I knew what it was, my...