by Michelle C. Martin | Oct 16, 2023 | Church, Prayer, Society, Spirituality
Sometimes the best prayer is one said in rage. Sometimes rage during prayer is where we are at. “If this is how you (God) treat your friends, it’s no wonder you have so few!” This famous prayer of rage was shouted by St. Teresa of Avila when she fell off a carriage...
by Michelle C. Martin | Dec 9, 2022 | Baptism Prep, Church, Family Life, Marriage, Parenting, Prayer, Spirituality
The other day, I went to confession for the first time in four months. It’s been difficult to go to confession since my son has been born. Really, it’s just hard to do anything when I can’t predict how long it will take. Something about waiting in line in the church...
by Michelle C. Martin | Oct 21, 2022 | Church, Marriage, Marriage Prep, Parenting, Questions, Society, Teachings
In the last two years, I’ve known a lot of engaged and newly married couples. Everyone has their own attitude about Catholic Marriage Prep (Pre-Cana) and NFP. Some are enthusiastic and see it as a perfect “practice round” for their marriage while others...
by Michelle C. Martin | Oct 19, 2022 | Family Life, Marriage, Prayer, Spirituality
I used to pray I that could have some sort of roadmap for my life. Knowing what was going to happen and how to prepare mattered to me. I wanted to have a plan. I’m one of the most type-A people I know. Freshman year of college, I agonized over switching my college...
by Michelle C. Martin | Oct 11, 2022 | Health, Marriage, Parenting, Prayer, Society, Spirituality
Where does my identity come from? The other day I was driving home by myself. I had taken a little time, like I do every Wednesday evening, to get away from my responsibilities as a stay-at-home mom and go to a cafe by myself to write. My car automatically connected...