by Elizabeth Sala | May 1, 2023 | Parenting, Prayer, Society, Spirituality
Envisioning Mary In the past, I had a hard time connecting with Mary in prayer. She seemed distant, too pure and holy to approach. As a child, I already had a mother who loved me and prayed for me. Why would I ask for Mary’s intercession? Even petitions were difficult...
by Elizabeth Sala | Jul 19, 2022 | Baptism Prep, Church, Prayer, Spirituality, Teachings
A reflection on living as a Catholic in a secular world. Friday, June 24th, 2022. Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. A momentous day for abortion laws in the United States, and a balmy summer night in Fort Collins, Colorado. The thunderheads that...
by Patrick Hernandez | Oct 18, 2019 | Church, Health, Questions, Society
Very recently on social media, I was debating someone about abortion and while it was a very respectful debate, one thing came to mind as this was happening. What came to mind is that the entire pro-choice argument has changed over time, while being careful not to use...
by Debbie Nowak | Oct 15, 2019 | Health, Questions, Society, Spirituality
Science and faith aren’t incompatible, as popular opinion would have us believe. Faith and science both search for the truth about humanity and the world around us. When we have problems reconciling the two, it’s likely because our search for the truth has been...
by Patrick Hernandez | Apr 3, 2019 | Family Life, Society
My wife and I have never been big fans of deep or controversial movies. The reason being that if we want to go to a movie, we want to go for the experience of escaping into an adventure or travelling to a distant alien planet or rooting for the underdog who travels...