I first heard about Marian Consecration as a freshman in college. A student organization I was part of did a yearly (optional) Marian Consecration together during Lent. Not really knowing what I was getting into, I asked to join the group embarking on the “do-it-yourselves” consecration retreat.
When I began the retreat, using a guided book called 33 Days to Morning Glory, I was startled at first to read that Marian Consecration meant sacrificing our own authority over our prayers and graces. While that sounded wrong at first, the explanations in the book helped me develop my understanding of Mary’s intercession. Eventually, it led me to decide to participate in the consecration itself instead of merely going through the motions.
As Catholics, we have a unique understanding of Our Lady’s intercession. We believe that whenever we invite Mary to pray with us, she presents our prayers to Jesus as roses on a golden platter. Jesus showed us at the wedding feast at Cana that He does not deny His mother’s requests. Despite not wishing to begin His public ministry, Jesus changed water into wine when Mary wanted His help.
Our Queen continues her intercession for us, every day. Marian Consecration, pioneered by saints like Louis De Montfort, Maximilian Kolbe, Mother Teresa, and John Paul II, is a total giving of ourselves to the intercession of Mary. It means asking her to take our prayers to God every time we raise our minds and hearts to Him. It also means surrendering the graces God gives us to her loving care.
Mary is the most perfect human example for us to follow. She said “yes” to God and became pregnant through the Holy Spirit at age fifteen. Later, she watched her only son die on a cross. She continues to intercede for us to the Father, undeserving as we are. Michelangelo’s painting of The Last Judgment encompasses Mary’s relationship to her earthly children, showing her standing fearfully at Jesus’ side as He strikes mankind with His justice. She is depicted as a loving, motherly, concerned figure with access to the righteous King, and she watches over all of us.
I renewed my Marian Consecration every year of college, as did Joshua. As our wedding day approached, we had a wonderful idea together:
Consecrating our marriage to the Holy Mother.
Just as Mary was a wedding guest at Cana, we invited her to be at ours. After receiving communion during our nuptial Mass, Joshua and I knelt before the statue of Our Lady of Grace in our church. We said the prayer of consecration we had both renewed many times before. This time, we asked Mary to bless our marital union.
Marriage is hard. Anyone can tell you that. But if Jesus would change water into wine and expose His divinity in public against His own wishes just because His mother came to Him with concern, how much more do you think He may do for you and your partner under a consecration to our Lady?