I’m overjoyed and feel renewed and strong!
This man that I’ve never met gives an impression of great holiness, he seems so peaceful and trustful in his God who placed him here! The joy and hope I feel are not just fleeting human feelings, they are supernatural I am sure of that!
It’s like all the despairing events of our culture, gay “marriage,” our fights to keep our conscience rights, the war on life and marriage, everything seems so mediocre and low when compared to this election! Everything seems to be put back in perspective, the perspective of heaven! The Obamas, the Hollandes, all the temporal leaders seem so little, so tasteless, beside his stature!
In 2010, he said about “gay marriage”, “Let’s not be naive, we’re not talking about a simple political battle; it is a destructive pretension against the plan of God. We are not talking about a mere bill, but rather a machination of the Father of Lies that seeks to confuse and deceive the children of God.”
He is a simple man as many stated a few minutes ago:
“As Cardinal he cooked for himself, took the bus to work, refused to live in a palace but lived in an apartment instead. He is a STRONG and clear moral teacher, unafraid to tackle issues like gay marriage, yet he embodied a spirit of service and of mercy. He showed up at an AIDS hospice to wash the feet of the patients there.
Folks, I think we’ll have a Canonizable Pope here. Glory be to God.” Chris Stefanick
I am so excited that I make mine this quote of Father Donald Calloway, “I am in love with Catholicism! I love, love, love it! Watching all this on TV I am so emotional and overjoyed! When you know what the Papcy is, you know we are celebrating the gift of Christ’s faithful love to His Church by giving us a spiritual father (Papa). I pledge my love and obedience, Pope Francis I.”