1) What is your overall impression of this prep?
Philip: My impression of this prep is that it provided us the tools and lessons to a very successful Catholic marriage. Everything I have learned throughout this program will benefit us so much to make our marriage stronger over time and allow us to overcome anything our relationship faces. These lessons have also opened our eyes to what we will teach our future children. I also very much enjoyed our instructors feedback to our answers in every single worksheet – they are both so insightful.
Andrea: This prep program was absolutely amazing! Not only did we learn so much more about each other but we now have the proper tools to overcome any obstacle our marriage may face. We also have a better understanding of a true Catholic marriage and plan on surrounding our life and marriage with everything we have learned from this program. I enjoyed our very attentive instructors as well, you both were extremely helpful.
2) Did it meet your expectations?
Philip: Yes!! This program exceeded our expectations and we will remember everything we have learned. This program has made me even more excited to finally make the biggest commitment to the person I love the most and better yet my best friend and surrounding our marriage in strong Catholic values.
Andrea: Oh my gosh, yes! I loved every interactive worksheet and videos. We learned so much about the true meaning of marriage and the life long commitment we are making to one another.
3) Did you take the time to read most of the links provided in the answer keys?
Of course we did! Every single link was so insightful and embellished each topic of each worksheet. These links allowed us to dig deeper into the true meaning of each worksheet. We really enjoyed the links!! We also really loved writing our love letters and forgiveness cards, they made us see each other in a new light and we plan on writing more of these to each other every month. 🙂
4) What did you appreciate most and why?
Philip: I appreciated the hands on tasks that were given to us. It allowed us to speak to one another about the material we had just gone over and expand our feelings or thoughts on the final lesson we were just taught. Each worksheet brought us closer to one another and closer to Christ.
Andrea: What I appreciated the most was how each lesson created a stronger bond between the two of us. We almost feel like a new line of communication has been opened, as we find ourselves talking about Catholic values and making sure Christ is in our every day lives and will be with our future children.
5) Did the course revive, or renew your desire to get closer to God and His Church? Yes
How did the course revive – or not – your faith?
Philip: My faith was revived as I was a man of little faith but I still had faith in my life. After doing this program, my faith is much much stronger and I can say that now I am a man of very strong faith and plan on converting to the Catholic religion later in life. I feel Christ in my life now, and welcome him with open arms.
Andrea: As I am a woman of Catholic religion, I wasn’t practicing much. Now, after this program I have found Christ again and my practicing faith has been reignited. We have been attending church together more often than we did, and our relationship is stronger than ever – prepared for the live long commitment we will make to one another and our future life.
6) Did the course help you improve your communication and sharing?:Yes
Comments on communication through the course: This program improved our communication immensely. We didn’t always mention things that were bothering us or discuss faith that much. Now, we discuss both so much – we bring up any issue as soon as one of us has one and we talk about it in depth and resolve our issues rather than bottling it up. We had been doing this at about 50/50 and not we did it 100/100 as we see the immense benefits. Our discussions of faith and Christ have made us realize how important it is to practice faith and be a part of a concrete religion. We want to raise our future children on a strong Catholic foundation and keep Christ in our marriage and life together.
7) Comments: We would just like to say that we enjoyed our instructors – you two are so awesome and we appreciate all of your wonderful and constructive feedback. We both feel like our relationship benefited so much from this program and we will take what we have learned and will be applying it to our every day life together, our marriage, and our future children. We will keep you both in our prayers as well!
Visit Agapè Catholic Ministries‘ to register for the Catholic Marriage Prep course. To learn more about the course, please visit https://www.catholicmarriageprep.com/course-info/courses-info