I am sure there are plenty of posts to read that will talk about 9/11 and the travesty that occurred on our soil against the innocent. Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with those families.
Furthermore, as a military veteran of Panama and Gulf I, not a day goes by that I do not pray for our Country and our soldiers. I think there is something bigger going on people are trying to reclaim bits and pieces of their freedom. I am not talking about the ”freedom” to do whatever, whenever, and however you want, rather the freedom that comes from “emptying your cup”. The freedom that came with summer and perhaps may leave with fall.
We had a great summer; we spent a lot of time together at home. The girls helped mom with the garden and my son helped me repair the deck. My mom visited from Minnesota. My sister stayed with us for a few weeks. We just rolled with the day. We didn’t take any “restful” vacation, unless you count The Great Wolf Lodge – an indoor family fun center complete with waterpark! What we were able to do had quite the profound effect. We emptied our cups. No school deadlines, no soccer games, no dance recitals, no swimming meets. It wasn’t because we didn’t want to. We did! We registered too late for swimming…all full. But perhaps it was supposed to be.
Things started happening around the house. We have always prayed before each meal and at the end of the day. Well, we started praying at the beginning of the day – all seven of us, even the 2 year old! We prayed a morning devotion and a Glory Be. Simple, elegant, necessary. The kids worked together to get their chores done – as best as they could. Sure there were up and downs, trials and tribulations, failures and successes but it was pretty cool to watch. We had walking competitions – who could get the most steps in a day. We took walks together. We went to the library, the store, Baskin and Robbins all about a mile or so away. We had a lot of movie nights. We went shopping together. We played in the back yard. We spent a lot of time together as a family!
Now that school has started, my wife is going through withdrawals, so am I for that matter. We didn’t want school to start, we wanted another week. Our schedule is taxed. My work schedule has me out two nights a week, we have 4 dance classes, 2 soccer practices, martial arts, etc. Here is our task: can we keep the “freedom” we found in the summer during the school year? I don’t know the answer. I can assure you that we are trying.
Three things to take away:
1. Empty your cup
2. Pray together
3. Keep it simple (still working on it!)
God Bless Us!