The Divine Symphony of NFP: Ah, the dance of life within the sacred rhythm of natural family planning—a topic that ignites joy and purpose in the heart of this married Catholic mother. In the enchanting melody of marriage and motherhood, the concept of natural family...
Sacrifice: The Easter Vigil, Part I
The Catholic tradition of the Easter Vigil tells the full story of Christ’s redeeming love, starting with sacrifice. Sacrifice has happened and our salvation given!! Happy Easter week! As it is the octave of Easter, now is the perfect time to reflect on what we just...
Christian and Christine Meert | Agape Catholic Ministries’ Online, Mentor-Led, On-Demand Pre-Cana Course Helps Couples Internalize Church Teaching, Build Strong Spiritual Foundation for Marriage
Written By Amy Morgan - Marriage Initiative Perhaps you’re a Catholic couple who wants to marry. Your Pastor recommends engaged couples to Agape and gives you a link, but you are unable to find a parish nearby that offers the necessary marriage prep class. Or maybe...
Comparison: Thief of Joy
“Comparison is the thief of joy.” "Comparison is the thief of joy!" heard this phrase for the first time in college. For most of my sophomore year, I had to watch all my friends in leadership roles I didn’t have. My friend group was part of several Catholic Student...
The Medicine of Healing
One of our children's favorite songs is “Just a Spoonful of Sugar helps the medicine go down…” from the hit musical Mary Poppins! A little bit of kindness can go a long way when recovering from illness, Pope Francis once told a group of young patients. “Not only...
SWSWSW-N! You're probably thinking what on earth do the letters above mean? Is it a typo? I heard this on the news on the radio this morning. It is the working motto of the chief executive of a call center. This is his mantra to his staff who are trying to generate...
Catholic Jihad
We've all heard time and time again of so-called "jihad" concerning Islamic fundamentalism and its ideological links to tyrannical radical Islamic terror. But "jihad" is really about declaring "war" on self - i.e. self-mortification; self-denial; self-control etc. in...
Speaking Freely
Speaking Freely: Speaking freely as a Christian, does not come without a price - a cost of some kind or other. What is the Cost? I am talking about the price one pays for expressing their Catholic faith. It's across a whole range of issues in social settings, the...
Daily Heroics
Daily Heroics: Married life takes a daily dose of being heroic. “It is necessary that the heroic becomes daily, and that the daily becomes heroic.” These beautiful words of wisdom are from St. Zelie Martin, whose feast we celebrate on July 12th. Zelie and her husband,...
Boundaries in Marriage
Boundaries are Necessary: In marriage...boundaries are necessary! Do you want to know why? Because, yes, it’s still possible to be tempted away from our spouse...How annoying, right? Even when we’ve made a lifelong commitment of fidelity, love, and we have built our...