Christian and Christine Meert | Agape Catholic Ministries’ Online, Mentor-Led, On-Demand Pre-Cana Course Helps Couples Internalize Church Teaching, Build Strong Spiritual Foundation for Marriage

Christian and Christine Meert | Agape Catholic Ministries’ Online, Mentor-Led, On-Demand Pre-Cana Course Helps Couples Internalize Church Teaching, Build Strong Spiritual Foundation for Marriage

Written By Amy Morgan - Marriage Initiative Perhaps you’re a Catholic couple who wants to marry. Your Pastor recommends engaged couples to Agape and gives you a link, but you are unable to find a parish nearby that offers the necessary marriage prep class.  Or maybe...

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Speaking Freely

Speaking Freely

Speaking Freely: Speaking freely as a Christian, does not come without a price - a cost of some kind or other. What is the Cost? I am talking about the price one pays for expressing their Catholic faith. It's across a whole range of issues in social settings, the...

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Daily Heroics

Daily Heroics

Daily Heroics: Married life takes a daily dose of being heroic. “It is necessary that the heroic becomes daily, and that the daily becomes heroic.” These beautiful words of wisdom are from St. Zelie Martin, whose feast we celebrate on July 12th. Zelie and her husband,...

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