Human beings have always been fascinated by nature. Since we first started painting on cave walls, we’ve seen the beauty and wonder of the world around us, and we’ve wanted to understand it, tame it, take it in. We are curious creatures. After all, you don’t see a...
Cloe Ellwood
From mouths of babies
From mouths of babies There are two methods of evangelization. One where you’re trying, and one where you’re living. Both can be valid and effective to varying degrees. Let’s focus on the second one for a moment. Children are experts, here. When you are very young,...
Timeout Time
Timeout Time I turned 23 not too long ago. My life is just beginning, in a lot of ways. I’m not married (yet) and I don’t have children (yet). I am in a wonderful, incredible relationship, though, and of course that sets me to thinking about the future. Who I want to...
Legacy of tears
Celebrity deaths. Where we mourn people we never actually met, and reflect over their lives as if they were long lost cousins. I would argue that very few celebrities have had as monumental an impact on our society as Hugh Hefner. Much like the meteor that killed the...
Love and Reese’s
For those who’ve been following my story, you know how big a deal my next statement is going to be. For those who haven’t, you can catch up here and here. Go ahead, I’ll wait. In the meantime, here's a fun fact that'll be relevant later: "When geese fly together, each...
Forget the Tumble-Weed Life
I saw Beauty and the Beast recently. I know, I know, spear me. I’m not going to get into the whole ‘gay’ thing, because that’s not what I’m here for. Besides which, I think, if anything else, the gay community should kinda take it as an insult that of all the...
Self-implosion: I don’t know about you, but I am overwhelmed. It’s barely midway through January, and already I feel like the world has come crashing down onto my back. Lately, my dreams and goals are often sacrificed in favor of work, work, work. I’m not complaining...
Nuke the comfort zone
Nuke the comfort zone - I think it’s fair to start this post off with a simple assumption: we want to be happy in life. Right? I mean, no one wants to go through our 80+ years on this Earth being miserable. God wants us to be happy too! When you love someone, there’s...
“And Now I See!” (Part II)
I left us on a rather grim note, last time. Obviously, I am not dead. I am still here, still going, and you know what, life is pretty good these days. So the question is, how did I get from the deep pit of awful I was in to here? Not easily. And not alone. I hit my...
“I once was blind…” (part I)
“I once was blind but now I see … Was lost but now am found.” Only those who have experienced human brokenness for themselves know how powerful the lyrics of Amazing Grace can be. I used to think they were cheesy and I’d roll my eyes whenever it was sung. But I have...