Advent: Preparing Our Families for Christmas

by | Dec 2, 2024 | Agapè Catholic Ministries, Church, Family Life, Liturgy, Parenting, Prayer, Society, Spirituality, Teachings

Advent: the arrival of a notable person, thing, or event.

December is here and that means it’s Christmas season, but first…Advent! Advent can be celebrated with warm cookies, bright trees, beautiful stockings…However, for many Catholics, the Advent wreath on the dining room table is a part of Christmas decor. We have the opportunity every Advent to make it the central focus leading up to our Christmas season.

Advent is a time of preparation.

In the early Church, Advent was akin to Lent. It was common practice to fast and abstain for the four weeks leading to Christmas. Even now, when fasting is less common, Advent is a season of preparation.

Whenever we are in Mass, there is a moment that we lift our hearts up to the Lord. It is just before the consecration, when we prepare ourselves to receive the gift of communion. Similarly, Advent is a long period of lifting our hearts to the Lord. Every Sunday, we light a new candle on our wreath. Each candle represents a virtue to strive for in the Christmas season.

Prophet’s Candle: Hope.

The first purple candle on the wreath is known as the prophet’s candle, representing the virtue of hope. For generations, prophets foretold the coming of the Messiah and spread hope to the Jewish people. As Catholics, we know the Messiah did not come and go. Christ is here, in the Eucharist and our Church, still present in our lives. We carry the hope of His presence every day, but especially in the Christmas season when we celebrate His birth.

Bethlehem Candle: Peace.

The second candle is the Bethlehem candle.  During Advent, we should reflect on our own “journeys to Bethlehem.” What roads have we taken towards God, or taken away from Him? Can we approach Christmas with a sense of peace that we have followed the Lord?

Shepherd’s Candle: Joy.

The third Sunday of Advent features a rose colored candle. The Gospels tell how the shepherds rejoiced when Christ was born. We get to share in that joy as we approach Christmas, knowing our King is here and will come again.

Angel’s Candle: Love.

An angel told Mary she would birth Jesus, and the shepherds and kings He was here. We also share in the love brought by the messenger. Every Christmas, we are reminded that God loved us so much, He gave us His son.

Celebrating Advent with Your Family.

It can be so easy to put a pretty wreath on the table and light a new candle every week. But there are many beautiful prayers and reflections that can be read when lighting the candles. We can share devotionals throughout Advent that focus on the virtues of the weeks. Every parent can teach their children about the long history of awaiting the Messiah and striving for hope, peace, joy, and love. Spouses can prepare their souls with the sacraments together as they await Christmas. The festive season is absolutely wonderful and should be celebrated as we bring joy into the world for the nativity. Yet, we cannot forget the preparation of our hearts for the coming of the King.

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Michelle C. Martin

Michelle graduated from Texas Tech University with her husband, Joshua, in May 2021 and married him in June on the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. She has a degree in Communication Studies and has loved growing in knowledge of healthy and authentic relationships during her time in college and adulthood. Michelle and Joshua currently reside in Lubbock, TX where he works as an architect and she loves life as a stay-at-home wife and mother to their children, Peter and Cecilia.

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